Length of elements and radials for a dipole + ETC.

This is where you input the frequency of the antenna you are going to build, and I will do the math for you to determine the length of the element and radials.
These elements and radials can be used for
1) Horizontal dipoles
2) Vertical dipoles
3) Slopers (vertical dipoles that slope up to 45 degrees)
4) Inverted "V" antennas.
5) NVIS antennas ( Near Vertical Incident Signals)
        This is a dipole built close to the ground, usually 1/8th of a wavelength or less in height.
        The signal goes up at 90 degrees, slightly spreading out, and comes right back down.
        It is good for a radius of a few hundred miles.
        This is good for getting over hills at lower frequencies. (80 and 40 Meters)

Please remember that the element and the radial are the same length, and you need one element and at least one radial.

There is one more thing to know before continuing on.
You need to start the measurement of the length of the element
where the wires inside the coax are no longer parallel to each other. Usually this means

1) where the wire comes out of the shield,
2) and where the shield becomes a conductor and no longer a shield.

Click here to go to the calculation page.
